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  • Writer's pictureJack Davey

RuneSical Review (YouTube Performance, Town And Gown Pub & Theatre, Cambridge, AD - PR Request)

5 October 2023 I Town And Gown Pub & Theatre, Cambridge I AD - PR Request


When I was asked to review a filmed performance of Gigglemug's RuneSical, I was endlessly excited about the concept of a new musical. However, although I have heard of the fantasy game RuneScape, I have never played it, nor do I have any knowledge on it. It turns out that, hardcore RuneScape fan or not, you have to absolutely LOVE this show! Advertised as a musical "where you decide what happens next!", audiences are whisked through a real world video game, parodying gaming classics, so that even passive gamers can enjoy the humour! Presented on YouTube, you will be offered a choice of videos across the story that determine the plot and soundtrack that you see. I have never seen anything like this, and certainly Gigglemug have taken a big risk in using online performance, which ordinarily I am not keen on. But the creative freedom to immersive yourself in RuneSical is theatre gold!

The Town And Gown Pub & Theatre is a very small performance space, but the creative team really utilize its best characteristics. Particularly with a thrust staging (Doug Cairns), minimalism is used to its advantage, the foliage and repetitious nature of walking through doors, for example. just has a very quaint magic to it, and adheres to the parodied style. A snappy audience participation is loveable, and I don't feel as if you miss anything with it being a recorded performance, as you can laugh at people's reactions and still share the feeling of the journey. Additionally, as it isn't live performance, you can feel free to go at your own pace, watch snippets when you like, for those of you who are always on your feet in a brilliantly accessible viewing!

Guiding you through your quest is a sarcastic and cheesy Wizard, portrayed by Sam Cochrane. I really appreciate the awkward skit / GCSE kind of humour, while still maintaining a well rounded musical structure. Alongside Cochrane, himself and Alex Prescot are wizards in well, pretty much everything! The script is unbelievably clever, and jokes are effortlessly done with a smart wit about them. It would be impossible not to mention the soundtrack, available to stream on all good streaming platforms NOW!!! With lyrics and music by this dynamic duo (and musical direction from Amy Hsu), almost every single genre of music is tackled as a representation of the vast regions of Gielinor. With a megamix style track to round the night off, the songs are memorable, catchy and impressive! There is a tune for everyone!!

Leading the journey as Lance_054, Christian Maynard is a delight, with such a cheeky smile! He engages with the space effectively, and really leans into the melodrama of it all. Alongside Jenna Sian O'Hara as Pearl, the pair deliver some insanely talented vocal performances. The relationship between Lance and Pearl is the most investing of the tale, which explores beyond the world of the game, the consequences in reality. Katie Pritchard's Odin is a bubbly little gnome to aid the quest, it becomes impossible not to cherish the role. Pritchard clearly loves every moment onstage, I guarantee you'll be smiling for the entire performance! And a special shout out to Prescot's Freaky Troll, embodying a rave loving monster with a huge ego. It is exactly as ridiculous as it sounds, but for all the best reasons!

Gigglemug's RuneSical certainly seeks to entertain a defined audience, but even if you aren't sure, I promise you will not regret your visit to Gielinor! The YouTube video selections just work unbelievably well in a theatrical feat for online performance. Come and slay the Mirror Dragon at once, I'd happily do it all over again! I wonder what would happen if I'd have chosen that Indian takeaway...

You can watch the full recorded showing of RuneSical for free here:


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