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  • Writer's pictureJack Davey

Little Shop Of Horrors Review (Hull Truck Theatre)

1 June 2024 I 19:30 I Hull Truck Theatre


Lotte Wakeham's touring Little Shop Of Horrors excels in the contemporary Hull Truck Theatre, benefitting from a condensed scale. A cramped set (TK Hay) amplifies tension, equally moments of physical comedy. Michael Fowkes' puppetry direction is unconventional, isolated centre stage which gives Audrey II a heightened attitude and sass, the freedom to move under threatening manners.

Voicing the carnivorous plant, Anton Stephans is wickedly charismatic, oozing musicality and endless soul. One of the most powerful live vocals I have heard to date, Audrey II's menacing presence defines this production. He goes beyond the terror to find levels in humour and enticement. In an epic finale, Stephans brings the house down in a must see spectacular, confetti galore!!!

Debuting as cover Seymour, Charlie Ryan belongs to the role, really owning his lovable awkward nature, extremely well considered with immaculate attention to detail. Alongside Laura Jane Matthewson's Audrey, who controls such wonderful empathy through the role, open to vulnerability. A duet of Suddenly Seymour showcases Menken's divine music writing and attention to relationships.

You want to hate Matthew Ganley's Orin, but the superstar talent is undeniably impressive! On the front row, almost on the stage, Ganley can certainly be intimidating when required! But in a multi rolling wonder, he excels in every stage presence, especially the editor's wife! The Urchins breathe incredible life into the score, the energy is so admirable. A special mention for Zweyla Mitchell Dos Santos as Crystal, I would love to see her in every single musical from now on thank you! That voice and passion! Deserving of the BEST future in the industry!!

This current tour of Little Shop Of Horrors provides a twist on traditional stagings, presenting a fun, campy, suspenseful musical, an undeniably loveable 2 hours! Very quickly becoming an all time favourite, where a hybrid of actor musicians (led by Gabrielle Ball) and innovative creative choices revitalise a popular show. What a way to kick off the summer break!!

Part of a shorter series of reviews, initially published on Instagram to manage university demand.


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